Many of us have found ourselves consuming more alcohol than usual over the past few months during COVID & self-iso.

Whether having the kids home has driven you to wine more frequently, a partner working from home or generally losing track of what day it is. It has also meant many health and fitness routines have been disrupted.

So COVID and iso aside as each working week draws to a close and in rolls the weekend a large percentage of us will head home to unwind, head out for dinner, or simply enjoy an alcoholic beverage of choice.


Not only are we more likely to consume alcohol during a global pandemic of over a weekend, it is also always a large part of almost any celebration or special event – be it a birthday, end of exams, new job promotion, or just going to dinner.

There are some serious health effects associated with the consumption of alcohol. But how much does alcohol consumption really impact our health and fitness?

Alcohol consumption can play a large role in stopping us from reaching our health and fitness goals. There is a reason why elite athletes limit their alcohol during the ‘on-season’. Not only can it lead to weight gain, muscle soreness and decreased performance, alcohol is the second most calorie dense compound, after fat.

Alcohol is high in energy yet lacking nutrient poor. Fat contains 9 calories per one gram, with alcohol containing 7 calories per one gram. (Fat and carbs carry 4 calories per 1 gram).

Ever wonder why you have pulled up so sore following a sporting game or grand final that was followed by a night of celebrating? Sure you might've played a ripper game, but chances are your post match celebratory drinks didn't help in your recovery efforts. 


Alcohol can affect soft tissue and increase the likelihood of muscle soreness and can potentially delay injury repair. It also acts as a diuretic, leading to dehydration. Alcohol increases the amount of urine we produce and removes a greater amount of water from the body. I am sure we have all experienced the after effects of alcohol – the dreaded hangover; headache, nausea, upset stomach, shakiness, thirst and body aches and pains.

Here are my top tips to cut back on the alcohol and find your fitness again:

  1. Limit your intake - be it pulling back on your weekday drinking to weekends only or cutting 2-3 down to just one a night

  2. Lock in exercise for the afternoon - be it a backyard session, walk, run or gym class. If you schedule training for later in the day it hopefully acts to keep you from cracking a beer and means you will get moving.

  3. Catch up with friends - but over an evening walk instead of a backyard drink and catch up. Movement and connection minus the alcohol = winning!

  4. Consume light alcoholic drinks – the lower the alcohol content, the fewer the calories

  5. Avoid sugary drinks – sugars are a form of carbohydrate, the sweeter the drink, the more calories it generally contains – so sugary, full strength alcoholic drinks are not the best choice.

  6. Stick to white drinks/spirits – vodka, gin. Sometimes the darker the drink, the worse the hangover – due to a presence that can lead to a hangover effect 

  7. Mix your drinks with soda water – be it wine, or spirits. This will help to better maintain your hydration status

  8. Factor the calories of alcohol into your daily meal plan to try and ensure you don’t go over your daily energy intake goals – My Fitness Pal is great

  9. Had a big night? The following morning kick start the day with a HIIT session. Yep, probably the last think you feel like doing if you have had a few drinks – but how badly do you want to reach your goals? Completing a HIIT session will help to begin metabolising the alcohol you have consumed, and can also lose some of this through sweating

  10. Avoid the greasy, processed food - Fuel your body with foods with a high water content that will help re-hydrate you, and high in vitamins and minerals – think fruit salad, or a large serving of veggies 

  11. Drink plenty of water - space each drink with water to help keep well hydrated.

If you are serious about reaching your goals, it may be time to get serious about cutting back on the alcohol. I’m sure you will feel healthier and happier for it!

Keep your goals in check this weekend – consistency is key!

Brooke x


